Sunday, December 5, 2010

Making Friends

Hey all who do not read this,

As I believe I have said before, I do not make friends easily.  I attribute this mostly to my personality. I tend to say things that upset people and then they don't forgive me for them, which is the other person's perogative and I do not disrespect that.  However, this does often lead to situations where I only have one friend in the world other than my fiance and then screwing it all up because of something I don't even know I did.  Or texting mindlessly to a person who does not ever want to have contact with me again as if we are still communicating normally. 
In short, this blog is to let everyone know that I have pushed my only friend away and that I shall have to work on making a new relationship with a new person so that I may destroy it too.

Bye and good luck with your friendships

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What's Up Sheeples?

So, a short rant about sheeple.  As I have mentioned before, I am a teller at an unnamed bank.  Most of the time I work the drive-thru window, which is where I like to be.  The only problem with this is that when I am in drive-thru I am usually at what we call the first window, which has to service the first lane of the drive-thru. I wouldn't have a problem with this except for people ONLY go to the first lane.  Well, about 85-90 percent of people will drive up to the first lane.  This happens even if I have a car (or two or three) in the first lane.  Literally, all lanes will be open and the first lane has five cars in it. WHAT THE HELL? I don't exactly mind that people tend to pick the first lane when there are no other cars, but if there are several other lanes open and you see 3 people in the first lane, WHY WHY WHY don't you go to lane 2 or 3 or or 4 or so on? Another problem is that these idiots have the audacity to complain about how long it takes to get their transactions done.  Are you F***ing kidding me?  What kind of dumbass are you? I am going to need you to crawl back up your mother's birth canal and back into the uterus for another 30 years so you can finish forming a brain, moron.

Ok...I feel better.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So, ever since we bought the television for LePutois, we have not had any monies to spend.  I likes to spends the monies I gets! Unfortunately, we have bills, and I have to build our savings up again so that we can have a nest egg just in case our main source of income shrivels up and blows away.  This will take many many weeks because we have a trip to see the family coming up soon, we have birthdays coming and Christmas...then more birthdays.  After this season, however, we will be able to start saving, which also means I will be able to start spending. 
For now, though, since I cannot spend any of my traditonally come by funds on myself...and because both layla and I are severely underpaid, we are having to think of some get rich quick schemes.  The problem here is that there is not legitimate way to get money fast.  Checks take forever to mail...and anybody who asks for your bank account number is not to be trusted!  Some of the ideas we have come up with are: sell plasma, sell eggs (NOT HAPPENING!), try to write a proposal and get an advance to write a book, sell anything we can spare from the house. As for selling things, I have had some small success selling a game I got on clearance.  I bought them for 5 dollars, and am selling them for 15.  That's good right?
Maybe money will fall from the sky...*waits and looks up*...Please?

I might be a sadist...hmm...

So hello again faithful know who you are...

I am writing to reveal a not-so-secret secret about myself.  I love to cause people pain...which may make me a sadist.  I don't mean physical pain, nor real emotional pain.  But I do love to pick and nip at the ones I love. Example: I love to make my friend Layla watch movies she hates.  Not only watch them once, but multiple times. I also like to say things I do not mean just to get a reaction, though I am not just looking for pain on these occasions.  LePutois is the one who gets the brunt of my torture because I love to interrupt his game to make him angry and I do this mostly by saying things about him until he notices (he has a weird ability to block everything out when he's playing a video game and when he snaps out of it, it is like seeing him wake up...very interesting and entertaining).  So, I may be a sadist because I cause pain to the ones I love, but they still love me, which makes me wonder if they are not masochists....


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Nominate...

Hey guys, I know I have been neglecting you, my faithful readers whom I have imagined to make myself feel better.  I sincerely apologize and I shall make up for it right now. 
I am going to tell you all what has been going on in my life for the past however long it has been since the last time I posted a blog on this site. 
First big news... We got a new teller at work and he's a man, baby! I feel sorry for him because he is surrounded by women, or maybe that's a good thing for him...not sure.  Anyway, when everybody heard that the new teller was going to be a guy the overwhelming hope of the tellers was that he was "cute" because they want something to look at all day.  I must also mentioned that almost everybody at my bank is taken in some form or fashion.  I will also say that the girls were not exactly disappointed, but not blown away.  I however, have not really formed an opinion about the new teller yet. He is a nice guy, but not my type so I can't look at him all day, I actually have to form an opinion based on his personality.  So far, he's nice enough not to tell me to shut up when I'm jabbering.  That's all I can say for now.
Second, I have a week off.  A complete and whole week with an extra 4 days tagged on because of the two weekends.  Then as a topper to this most wonderful occurrence, I GET PAID! Who thought of this concept of getting paid NOT to go to work.  I would like to enter a nomination for him/her for a Nobel Peace Prize because being able to skip work and get paid has saved several people's lives so far by keeping me from going postal on the customers. 
Third, it is finally my birthday.  I am officially 23 thought this age has really no significance but I am happy about it.  As gifts, I got a very nice set of copper-bottom pans (Thank you LePutois, Pokemon HeartGold, a party hat, a storage container that completes my set and a journal (Thank you Layla) another journal which I have been drooling over but felt guilty about actually buying (thank you Egalemont) and a gift card to Barnes and Noble (thank you LetPutois's mother).  Layla also bought me some candy, a cake and ice cream to celebrate my birthday.  We also went to see Despicable Me in theaters.  It was really good for the second time. 
There you go,  you are pretty much up to date.  My life is going very well this week.  and I am sure it will continue to go well for me. 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Be Yourself

Hint: Do not be yourself, it offends other people.  Especially myself.  I offend my two best friends on a daily basis without even a second thought.  Sometimes I feel like Lennie from Of Mice and Men when he kills Curly's wife.  He just wants to touch, but ends up killing her.  Then he doesn't understand what is happening.  Another metaphor might be that I am a bull in a china shop (that's for those of you who weren't assigned Of Mice and Men to read in high school) I just charge through, never understanding the damage I am doing. 
Why can't I shut up?
So, to anybody who is or will be my friend, I am sorry that I am here to torture you.  It might be best if you pick a different person to befriend because I am pretty bad at friendships.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not Sure...

What to talk about?  I know I haven't posted in awhile but I would like to defend myself by saying that I haven't had anything to write about.  In fact, I still do not.  I live in a wasteland of entertainment and with my new monetary restrictions because I am trying to save money, I cannot go out and actually do anything.  Not that there is anything to do here where I live if I had any money to spend. 
However, I can't complain because I am restricting my money voluntarily so that LePutois can have a very very happy birthday.  He's getting a 65 inch television, a PS3 and Final Fantasy XIII (that is 13 right?).  Just these three objects by themselves are worth 18 weeks of pay for me.  I could earn some interest in a bank account with that kind of money, but have decided that we want to spend it on a very very expensive television with accessories.  Happy Birthday LePutois.
Oh Yes and to Layla because I know that you will love it: YOU COMPLETE ME!
Bye Guys.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Table Ninja!

We tried a new restaurant today, that is, LePutois and I tried a new restaurant.  It was a pizza place that had a buffet, or you could order a pizza.  Anyway, it was at this restaurant that I encountered the table ninja!  When we went to the pizza place LePutois and I opted for the buffet.  Unfortunately, we forgot to bring something to mark our table as occupied so, when I went to get more salad and LePutois went to get more to drink: the table ninja struck.  As soon as LePutois turned around from the drink machine he said that there was a guy cleaning our table.  What I said was "did he take my drink?" LePutois said yes and that he had only turned away from the table for ten seconds.  I started laughing and said "he's a table ninja!" LePutois thought this was funny.  The icing on the cake was that I filled out a comment card.  We gave them good ratings and in the comments section I said "Other than the table ninja taking my drink, everything was great!"
This table ninja thing made me realize something about myself.  First, I am not a funny person in general, but sometimes I come up with stuff that makes them crack up. The real test of if something is funny is if LePutois laughs at it because he has almost no sense of humor.  I was proud because he laughed at the table ninja joke.  This hasn't happened since I came up with "ass and a half" 
Anyway, I thought I would just let you all in on that little tidbit about me.  Oh and when you go to a buffet place do not leave your table unguarded for too long. Laters.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


LePutois bought me the new Pokemon game for DS: SoulSilver. The game is just like the other games basically, but with this one you can treat your pokemon like a digipet and you can carry it with you in what they call the Pokewalker.  The pokewalker is a pedeometer.  On the Pokewalker you pick a path that you want to take and then you just walk, walk, and walk.  What do you gain by walking? Watts.  I am not sure what I will be able to do with watts other than use them to play the minigames on the pokewalker or unlock new paths to walk. 
The minigames on the pokewalker include one where you can battle wild pokemon.  You cannot run away from the wild pokemon, so you must stand and fight.  But the upside is that you can catch the pokemon and transfer it to your game on the DS.  Also, the fighting only offers one move and it is unnamed, but looks suspciously like tackle. Anyway, the battle is evenly matched so far as I know and each pokemon has four hit points (that is what I am going to call them but they are 4 little lines that disappear when you get hit) and whoever hits first basically wins.  I am unsure as of yet whether or not types have anything to do with the battle on the pokewalker.
The other minigame is one where you find items.  I do not like this game because I can never find the item..
So far, the pokemon does not really get experience, but they do gain a level when you transfer them back to the game.  However I may just need to walk more, but with two different walking sessions, I have still gained only one level each time.
I do like the game but probably because it is identical to the other games, but again, that is fine with me.  I think that they are just recreating the Gameboy games for the DS, which just means that because I lost my Gameboy a while back, that I can play pokemon again! Yay!
Alright guys, talk to you laters

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I know..I know, But I have been busy

So, I do not want to hear anything about me not posting for awhile because nobody reads this blog regulary except for Layla.  Anyway, I have been busy.As I have said in my last post, but I just started my first full time job this past month, so when I get home now I fall almost directly asleep.  Today is the first day I haven't felt completely exhausted after work. I have been trying to stay up until at least 10pm so that I will not wake up at 2 am and then be tired all day.  Also, I have started a class that's actually in a classroom at night 5:30pm to 7:45pm every wednesday, so I have been busy.
Anyway, I don't know if I have anything to rant or ramble about today.  My work is going well, but I don't think that the girls there like me yet.  I keep messing things up, but I think I am getting better at the processes at my bank. There are many crazy customers of course... and many more angry customers than I was expecting.  The rules should be pretty familiar.  I need ID to pull money from your account.  I need ID to cash a check.  And yes, some federal regulations do require me to collect your information for certain transactions.  So, shut up and follow the rules or you will not get any money from me.  I am not getting fired because you want to have a hissy fit.
OK, on to better topics.  Layla has finally moved into my house as my roommate.  She will have told you that we painted her room red.  We did and it is RED RED RED.  I think it looks a lot better with the new light bulbs she bought,(the old ones had a blue tint that made the paint look pinkish).  I do not think that I would want that color in my room, but I know that she is happy about the color because she smiles whenever she sees it.. Even when her mother was here she couldn't keep the smile off her face.  I think she likes it so far if only because she has the freedom to do what she wants when she wants. I am sure that she will say the same in her next blog. 
Other than Layla moving in,...we saw Alice in Wonderland.  An excellent movie, and I hope to see it several more times.  Johnny Depp is not sexy in this movie but the Hatter is my favorite character.  Anne Hathaway however, made me want to root for the Red Queen.  The Red Queen was far more interesting and better played. 
OK guys I have to go to bed sometime in the near future.  I promise to have something to actually rant about the next time I post.  Talk to you later.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Working Again

Hello empty cyberspace,

As I have told you all before, I started my new job this past Monday, February 8.  I will be working at a bank and right now I am participating in my two week training.  I must say that I am not used to a 40 hour work week, I am so tired after the 8 hour days that I crash as soon as I get home.  When I crash I only mean to sleep for a couple of hours but end up sleeping 4-6 hours, then I have to make dinner when I do get up even if it is at 2am.  Everybody knows that it is unhealthy to eat at 2am then go back to sleep.

To comment on the work I will be doing, I will be a teller.  I am really hoping that I will be good at my job.  LePutois says that I worry too much and that I am always good at what I do.  I do not know that I agree with him, but I will admit that I've never been fired.  Anyway, noodles are boiling, talk to you later.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I totally cried and yes, I do feel silly

Ok guys,

I am going to admit something embarassing to the empty internet space which this blog occupies.  On our last foray into my new obsession Mass Effect 2, I told you all that I was stuck in a purgatory-like situation.  I was on the verge of the last battle of the game and I figured out that my crew was most definitely going to die.  Anyway, I went ahead and went through the last battle and 4 out of 10 of my teammates died, including my love interest.  I have to admit I cried a little.  I was so sad but still laughing at myself because crying about pictures on a computer screen dying is absolutely stupid. I do not know what came over me.  I can only attribute my emotions to hormones.  I think the most disturbing picture was my love interest being eaten by insects and that's when the crying started.  I became very attached to him I guess. 

Anyway, I did restart the save game that is on LePutois' computer and all of my crew members survived.  Yay!  I was actually really happy and so I started doing laundry.  Anybody who knows me, knows that I hate laundry and that at any given moment I have laundry baskets filled with both clean and dirty clothes just sitting around my house.  Anyway, the game made me happy enough to do the laundry and I got most of it done, and it is folded too. 

So, to completely change the subject, I was watching the first episode of  Leverage last night, and I was looking at Nate Ford (Timothy Hutton).  I realized that he probably needs to gain weight to balance out his head.  His face and head are really big, but then you look at his body and he looks like a featherless chicken, so skinny and bony.  But, as Layla knows, I would still have his children, and I hate children.

You know what? That brings me to another subject and this should probably be the subject for another blog.  I also know that Layla did  a blog on this already.  But, I want to say this: Why does not wanting children make me a bad person?  I have told some people that I don't like children because you cannot reason with them, and they look at me as if I am an alien creature.  Every normal woman wants a baby right?  NOT true.  They are a parasite that lasts for 18 years and 9 months, sometimes longer.  First, they suck all of your nutrients as well as your energy, and any hope of having a normal body again,  unless you are a celebrity or resort to surgery of course.  And that's only for the first 9 months, then they ruin every part of your life including but not limited to taking all your money, still more of your energy, and most of your time. 

I do have to say that children are sure to get better as they get older, but when they are children you cannot reason with them to make them stop crying.  They get into everything and break everything and try to hurt or poisen themselves every day.  Most people who have children say that the love is worth it, but I would have to say that this is just Stockholm Syndrome because children take you hostage and the only way you can cope is to brainwash yourself into loving them. 

Do not get me wrong, I admire anybody who can have children and raise them successfully without going crazy.  I thank my mother for putting up with me because I know how much of a pain I am.  However, I do not think that I can have children and be happy. I don't even think I can be a successful parent, because I am too much of a child myself. I am very self-absorbed and dont' want to give up my life to raise a child.  I just want to make a life with my fiance and make myself happy.  If I am going to take care of something, it will be a dog or cat, which I can at least get rid of if I don't want them.  Dogs and cats also require very little maintainence and you can leave them in a kennel when you want to have you time.  You can't pay a random stranger to take your children for 2 weeks. 

What really gets me is what people say to me about children, especially my fiance's family.  First, when I say "I do not want children, ever' everybody seems to take that as "My biological clock hasn't gone off, yet." My fiance's family likes to say "you guys will have such beautiful babies" Then when I tell them I do not like children they say something like "it's different when they're your own."  This really annoys me because I don't like when people automatically assume that I am a baby factory waiting to happen.  Why is it my ultimate destiny to breed?  Does nothing else I do or am going to do matter? And is breeding the most important thing that I am capable of? They just don't think about the fact that I may not be a good mother, maybe I am not cut out for it.  Then there's the fact that they don't care that I keep saying "I will not be happy."  Why is my happiness overruled by your want to see me reproduce?

So, from now on, if you have known me for more than 1 year (and that is being generous because I let it be known that I don't like children within the first month) and you tell me I should have children.  I will automatically think that you do not want me to be happy and wish me to suffer, or that you want me to have children for your own selfish reasons.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

AHH! Mass Effect 2!

So guys,

I have been playing Mass Effect 2 for the past few days and I am almost to the end, but I am SO angry at the game right now.  I know, you're wondering how I could have gotten so far in such a short amount of time and I have to say that it is because I obsess when I find something I like, video games included. Also, I am going to tell you guys about the mudslide I had at Friday's last week, but first I must rant about this wonderfully horrible game! ARGH!

For those who don't know, Mass Effect is a series of 2 (going to be 3 some time in the future) it is a "role-playing first person shooter" as my fiance calls it.  Anyway, I have just been introduced to Mass Effect 2.  I thought I would see what keeps My fiance from talking to me on most night and I have become hooked on the game.  In the game you play a spaceship captain and every choice that you make effects the course of the game and also the ending.  I just found out that your teammates can die if you are not fully prepared and also if you put them in the wrong situations in the end battle.  This makes me upset because I feel attached to ALL of my crew members and team members.  Kinda makes me want to cry. The only redemption for this game is that it is possible to start over and try again.  But I have already started over once, mostly because my fiance wanted his computer back.  I told him that if he wanted his computer back, he needed to install the game on my computer.

Random thought: I will now be calling my fiance LePutois.  Which means the skunk, I think, in French. 

Back on track now.  I think it is abnormal to get so connected to your game characters that you want to cry, but that is what has happened.. I have actually stopped playing the game because I know that if I go on with the choices I've made so far that some of my beloved crew members will die. I think these frustrations and sappy feelings come from the fact that I have dedicated about 2-3 full days trying to make all the right decisions and I am so frustrated that I have to start over and redo all my relationships more than actually being emotionally connected to the characters, whom I know are just pictures on a screen. I have to go through all the dialogue and all the battles.  I have to make another romantic connection  and gain all of the teammates loyalty again. 

Okay.  I am done ranting about the devil game that I still want to play, let us talk about that mudslide.  All I have to say is blech.  I could taste the alcohol the whole way through the drink, then I had to have more chocolate added to make it palatable. Then I still couldn't drink it all because I really don't like chocolate all that much.  LePutois says that it is because of the Kahlua that is in the drink, he says that Kahlua is a coffee flavored alcohol and I really hate coffee, the smell and the taste. That could've been it, but I will say for now that the mudslide was not a success.  I do not count this experience as a total loss though, I have learned a couple of things from it.  First, I don't like mudslides. Second, I should really always eat a steak or something heavy before drinking.  Third, my friend Layla loves to record me making an ass of myself.  I had to make a deal to do shots just to get her to delete a video of me swaying back and forth, giggling and saying stuff like "I am shameless!" Shame on her I say.  I would like to remind her that I still have pictures of her, because being drunk makes me a photographer.  I don't think she'll kill me for them, but I am going to hide the knives. She'll know what that means.

Also, I have tried a Long Island Iced Tea. I have to say that it tasted more like lemonade than tea. Which I have come to learn that it doesn't have any tea in it. Anyway, I liked it much better than any other drink that I've tried.

I think that is all for today guys, I did get a new job, I start on monday.  I am going to restart Mass Effect 2 and see how that goes, I am sure I'll be ranting about all the savegames I have next time I write.

Talk to you laters. 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A New Experiment

Hey guys,

I have thought of a new experiment.  As my close friends know, I have just recently had my first experience with alcoholic beverages this past New Year's.  I had decided that I wanted to try alcohol about a week before New Year's day but I have a fear of becoming an alcoholic, which runs in my family.  I also cannot stand the smell of alcohol and can detect it even though it is covered up with other smells, kinda like seafood.  Anyway, I had decided that at least trying alcohol would not have any adverse effects on me later in life.  So, I finally decided to drink on the eve of New Year's Eve.

I asked my fiance to help me find something that I could get past my nose and into my mouth.  He came up with Smirnoff Ice.  We bought some and I was having trouble crossing the threshold of my first drink until Jared finally got frustrated and yelled "Even Jesus Drank!" I couldn't help laughing hysterically, because I kinda knew I was being silly.  Anyway, what I want to say is that I haven't found any alcohol that I can enjoy drinking.  I tried the Smirnoff Ice regular, fruit punch, wild grape, and also Jack Daniels.   I drank enough finally thanks to shots of Jack Daniels to be drunk.  My fiance says that I am not a cheap drunk and I am sort of proud of that fact.

Anyway, back to my new experiment.  I am on a quest to find a tasty alcoholic beverage.  I frequent a few restaurants here in Alabama and every time I go to dinner at a restaurant, I am going to try a new alcoholic beverage to see which one I may make my favorite drink.  I know this sounds sort of like I am on the road to alcoholism, but I am just trying to find something that I can enjoy, because I get the impression that there are alcoholic beverages that don't tast like Nyquil, but to me, this is only a theory.  So, I just wanted to let you all know that I will be telling you about each new drink as I try them. 

That is all I have for today. Wish me good luck on finding a favorite beverage!

Monday, January 25, 2010

It is all Layla Lavae's Fault

Hello imaginary people who are reading this. I have been inspired! My friend has started a blog, and she is actually really good at it. (Check hers out at I thought I would give it a second try. A couple of years ago when I actually started this account with a different blog, I didn't think I was very good at writing. But when I came back and read my posts, I thought I did pretty well for a beginner. So, I have started my second blog and named it after what my friend calls me in her blog: Antoinette.

So let us catch up with my mini bio as my first post. My name is not really Antoinette, but I shall not reveal my real name. I am 22 years old and I am from Indiana. However, I was lured to Alabama by my fiance almost 4 years ago and I am still upset that I have to admit that I live here. Let me say this for Alabama: there are very smart people in Alabama, but they are grossly outnumbered by idiots; which is probably why Alabama has the reputation it does. I also haven't noticed much "southern hospitality." All I get are cold stares and rude remarks. That said, I have met some good people here; Layla is one, though she may be upset that I revealed that she lives here too.

I am a student at a university you've probably never heard of and I am in my fourth year as a Criminal Justice Major/ Business Administration Minor. I HATE college. In fact, this college has done nothing but lose my paperwork since I started attending, and I have to act like an ass to get them to do anything. Also, for any paperwork that you turn in there is a 30 day processing time. So, if they happen to lose the second page to your tax return 4 years in a row you have to wait for 30 days to find out. Also, by that time, the tuition is due and you don't have any financial aid to pay for it. Personally, I just don't pay them until they give me my money, but they always get me with the books.

I am engaged, as I have said, to a wonderful man whom I must love dearly or I would not be in Alabama. He really is a keeper because he encourages me to do what will make me happy no matter how often that changes. Then there is the fact that I remember every detail about what he does wrong and I will fling it back into his face when we argue. I have a talent for making people angry.

Most of my jobs have been in customer service, which has made me slightly bitter. I get very angry when people do stupid things. My fiance says that I expect too much out of people and to treat them like they do not know anything. There's one problem with that for me: I absolutely despise when people talk to me like I don't know anything so I can't bring myself to do it to other people. But, I learned how to clench my jaw and also make it look like I am still smiling. I still haven't lowered my expectations.