Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Nominate...

Hey guys, I know I have been neglecting you, my faithful readers whom I have imagined to make myself feel better.  I sincerely apologize and I shall make up for it right now. 
I am going to tell you all what has been going on in my life for the past however long it has been since the last time I posted a blog on this site. 
First big news... We got a new teller at work and he's a man, baby! I feel sorry for him because he is surrounded by women, or maybe that's a good thing for him...not sure.  Anyway, when everybody heard that the new teller was going to be a guy the overwhelming hope of the tellers was that he was "cute" because they want something to look at all day.  I must also mentioned that almost everybody at my bank is taken in some form or fashion.  I will also say that the girls were not exactly disappointed, but not blown away.  I however, have not really formed an opinion about the new teller yet. He is a nice guy, but not my type so I can't look at him all day, I actually have to form an opinion based on his personality.  So far, he's nice enough not to tell me to shut up when I'm jabbering.  That's all I can say for now.
Second, I have a week off.  A complete and whole week with an extra 4 days tagged on because of the two weekends.  Then as a topper to this most wonderful occurrence, I GET PAID! Who thought of this concept of getting paid NOT to go to work.  I would like to enter a nomination for him/her for a Nobel Peace Prize because being able to skip work and get paid has saved several people's lives so far by keeping me from going postal on the customers. 
Third, it is finally my birthday.  I am officially 23 thought this age has really no significance but I am happy about it.  As gifts, I got a very nice set of copper-bottom pans (Thank you LePutois, Pokemon HeartGold, a party hat, a storage container that completes my set and a journal (Thank you Layla) another journal which I have been drooling over but felt guilty about actually buying (thank you Egalemont) and a gift card to Barnes and Noble (thank you LetPutois's mother).  Layla also bought me some candy, a cake and ice cream to celebrate my birthday.  We also went to see Despicable Me in theaters.  It was really good for the second time. 
There you go,  you are pretty much up to date.  My life is going very well this week.  and I am sure it will continue to go well for me. 

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