Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Table Ninja!

We tried a new restaurant today, that is, LePutois and I tried a new restaurant.  It was a pizza place that had a buffet, or you could order a pizza.  Anyway, it was at this restaurant that I encountered the table ninja!  When we went to the pizza place LePutois and I opted for the buffet.  Unfortunately, we forgot to bring something to mark our table as occupied so, when I went to get more salad and LePutois went to get more to drink: the table ninja struck.  As soon as LePutois turned around from the drink machine he said that there was a guy cleaning our table.  What I said was "did he take my drink?" LePutois said yes and that he had only turned away from the table for ten seconds.  I started laughing and said "he's a table ninja!" LePutois thought this was funny.  The icing on the cake was that I filled out a comment card.  We gave them good ratings and in the comments section I said "Other than the table ninja taking my drink, everything was great!"
This table ninja thing made me realize something about myself.  First, I am not a funny person in general, but sometimes I come up with stuff that makes them crack up. The real test of if something is funny is if LePutois laughs at it because he has almost no sense of humor.  I was proud because he laughed at the table ninja joke.  This hasn't happened since I came up with "ass and a half" 
Anyway, I thought I would just let you all in on that little tidbit about me.  Oh and when you go to a buffet place do not leave your table unguarded for too long. Laters.

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