Thursday, February 4, 2010

AHH! Mass Effect 2!

So guys,

I have been playing Mass Effect 2 for the past few days and I am almost to the end, but I am SO angry at the game right now.  I know, you're wondering how I could have gotten so far in such a short amount of time and I have to say that it is because I obsess when I find something I like, video games included. Also, I am going to tell you guys about the mudslide I had at Friday's last week, but first I must rant about this wonderfully horrible game! ARGH!

For those who don't know, Mass Effect is a series of 2 (going to be 3 some time in the future) it is a "role-playing first person shooter" as my fiance calls it.  Anyway, I have just been introduced to Mass Effect 2.  I thought I would see what keeps My fiance from talking to me on most night and I have become hooked on the game.  In the game you play a spaceship captain and every choice that you make effects the course of the game and also the ending.  I just found out that your teammates can die if you are not fully prepared and also if you put them in the wrong situations in the end battle.  This makes me upset because I feel attached to ALL of my crew members and team members.  Kinda makes me want to cry. The only redemption for this game is that it is possible to start over and try again.  But I have already started over once, mostly because my fiance wanted his computer back.  I told him that if he wanted his computer back, he needed to install the game on my computer.

Random thought: I will now be calling my fiance LePutois.  Which means the skunk, I think, in French. 

Back on track now.  I think it is abnormal to get so connected to your game characters that you want to cry, but that is what has happened.. I have actually stopped playing the game because I know that if I go on with the choices I've made so far that some of my beloved crew members will die. I think these frustrations and sappy feelings come from the fact that I have dedicated about 2-3 full days trying to make all the right decisions and I am so frustrated that I have to start over and redo all my relationships more than actually being emotionally connected to the characters, whom I know are just pictures on a screen. I have to go through all the dialogue and all the battles.  I have to make another romantic connection  and gain all of the teammates loyalty again. 

Okay.  I am done ranting about the devil game that I still want to play, let us talk about that mudslide.  All I have to say is blech.  I could taste the alcohol the whole way through the drink, then I had to have more chocolate added to make it palatable. Then I still couldn't drink it all because I really don't like chocolate all that much.  LePutois says that it is because of the Kahlua that is in the drink, he says that Kahlua is a coffee flavored alcohol and I really hate coffee, the smell and the taste. That could've been it, but I will say for now that the mudslide was not a success.  I do not count this experience as a total loss though, I have learned a couple of things from it.  First, I don't like mudslides. Second, I should really always eat a steak or something heavy before drinking.  Third, my friend Layla loves to record me making an ass of myself.  I had to make a deal to do shots just to get her to delete a video of me swaying back and forth, giggling and saying stuff like "I am shameless!" Shame on her I say.  I would like to remind her that I still have pictures of her, because being drunk makes me a photographer.  I don't think she'll kill me for them, but I am going to hide the knives. She'll know what that means.

Also, I have tried a Long Island Iced Tea. I have to say that it tasted more like lemonade than tea. Which I have come to learn that it doesn't have any tea in it. Anyway, I liked it much better than any other drink that I've tried.

I think that is all for today guys, I did get a new job, I start on monday.  I am going to restart Mass Effect 2 and see how that goes, I am sure I'll be ranting about all the savegames I have next time I write.

Talk to you laters. 

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