Sunday, December 5, 2010

Making Friends

Hey all who do not read this,

As I believe I have said before, I do not make friends easily.  I attribute this mostly to my personality. I tend to say things that upset people and then they don't forgive me for them, which is the other person's perogative and I do not disrespect that.  However, this does often lead to situations where I only have one friend in the world other than my fiance and then screwing it all up because of something I don't even know I did.  Or texting mindlessly to a person who does not ever want to have contact with me again as if we are still communicating normally. 
In short, this blog is to let everyone know that I have pushed my only friend away and that I shall have to work on making a new relationship with a new person so that I may destroy it too.

Bye and good luck with your friendships

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What's Up Sheeples?

So, a short rant about sheeple.  As I have mentioned before, I am a teller at an unnamed bank.  Most of the time I work the drive-thru window, which is where I like to be.  The only problem with this is that when I am in drive-thru I am usually at what we call the first window, which has to service the first lane of the drive-thru. I wouldn't have a problem with this except for people ONLY go to the first lane.  Well, about 85-90 percent of people will drive up to the first lane.  This happens even if I have a car (or two or three) in the first lane.  Literally, all lanes will be open and the first lane has five cars in it. WHAT THE HELL? I don't exactly mind that people tend to pick the first lane when there are no other cars, but if there are several other lanes open and you see 3 people in the first lane, WHY WHY WHY don't you go to lane 2 or 3 or or 4 or so on? Another problem is that these idiots have the audacity to complain about how long it takes to get their transactions done.  Are you F***ing kidding me?  What kind of dumbass are you? I am going to need you to crawl back up your mother's birth canal and back into the uterus for another 30 years so you can finish forming a brain, moron.

Ok...I feel better.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So, ever since we bought the television for LePutois, we have not had any monies to spend.  I likes to spends the monies I gets! Unfortunately, we have bills, and I have to build our savings up again so that we can have a nest egg just in case our main source of income shrivels up and blows away.  This will take many many weeks because we have a trip to see the family coming up soon, we have birthdays coming and Christmas...then more birthdays.  After this season, however, we will be able to start saving, which also means I will be able to start spending. 
For now, though, since I cannot spend any of my traditonally come by funds on myself...and because both layla and I are severely underpaid, we are having to think of some get rich quick schemes.  The problem here is that there is not legitimate way to get money fast.  Checks take forever to mail...and anybody who asks for your bank account number is not to be trusted!  Some of the ideas we have come up with are: sell plasma, sell eggs (NOT HAPPENING!), try to write a proposal and get an advance to write a book, sell anything we can spare from the house. As for selling things, I have had some small success selling a game I got on clearance.  I bought them for 5 dollars, and am selling them for 15.  That's good right?
Maybe money will fall from the sky...*waits and looks up*...Please?

I might be a sadist...hmm...

So hello again faithful know who you are...

I am writing to reveal a not-so-secret secret about myself.  I love to cause people pain...which may make me a sadist.  I don't mean physical pain, nor real emotional pain.  But I do love to pick and nip at the ones I love. Example: I love to make my friend Layla watch movies she hates.  Not only watch them once, but multiple times. I also like to say things I do not mean just to get a reaction, though I am not just looking for pain on these occasions.  LePutois is the one who gets the brunt of my torture because I love to interrupt his game to make him angry and I do this mostly by saying things about him until he notices (he has a weird ability to block everything out when he's playing a video game and when he snaps out of it, it is like seeing him wake up...very interesting and entertaining).  So, I may be a sadist because I cause pain to the ones I love, but they still love me, which makes me wonder if they are not masochists....


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Nominate...

Hey guys, I know I have been neglecting you, my faithful readers whom I have imagined to make myself feel better.  I sincerely apologize and I shall make up for it right now. 
I am going to tell you all what has been going on in my life for the past however long it has been since the last time I posted a blog on this site. 
First big news... We got a new teller at work and he's a man, baby! I feel sorry for him because he is surrounded by women, or maybe that's a good thing for him...not sure.  Anyway, when everybody heard that the new teller was going to be a guy the overwhelming hope of the tellers was that he was "cute" because they want something to look at all day.  I must also mentioned that almost everybody at my bank is taken in some form or fashion.  I will also say that the girls were not exactly disappointed, but not blown away.  I however, have not really formed an opinion about the new teller yet. He is a nice guy, but not my type so I can't look at him all day, I actually have to form an opinion based on his personality.  So far, he's nice enough not to tell me to shut up when I'm jabbering.  That's all I can say for now.
Second, I have a week off.  A complete and whole week with an extra 4 days tagged on because of the two weekends.  Then as a topper to this most wonderful occurrence, I GET PAID! Who thought of this concept of getting paid NOT to go to work.  I would like to enter a nomination for him/her for a Nobel Peace Prize because being able to skip work and get paid has saved several people's lives so far by keeping me from going postal on the customers. 
Third, it is finally my birthday.  I am officially 23 thought this age has really no significance but I am happy about it.  As gifts, I got a very nice set of copper-bottom pans (Thank you LePutois, Pokemon HeartGold, a party hat, a storage container that completes my set and a journal (Thank you Layla) another journal which I have been drooling over but felt guilty about actually buying (thank you Egalemont) and a gift card to Barnes and Noble (thank you LetPutois's mother).  Layla also bought me some candy, a cake and ice cream to celebrate my birthday.  We also went to see Despicable Me in theaters.  It was really good for the second time. 
There you go,  you are pretty much up to date.  My life is going very well this week.  and I am sure it will continue to go well for me. 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Be Yourself

Hint: Do not be yourself, it offends other people.  Especially myself.  I offend my two best friends on a daily basis without even a second thought.  Sometimes I feel like Lennie from Of Mice and Men when he kills Curly's wife.  He just wants to touch, but ends up killing her.  Then he doesn't understand what is happening.  Another metaphor might be that I am a bull in a china shop (that's for those of you who weren't assigned Of Mice and Men to read in high school) I just charge through, never understanding the damage I am doing. 
Why can't I shut up?
So, to anybody who is or will be my friend, I am sorry that I am here to torture you.  It might be best if you pick a different person to befriend because I am pretty bad at friendships.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not Sure...

What to talk about?  I know I haven't posted in awhile but I would like to defend myself by saying that I haven't had anything to write about.  In fact, I still do not.  I live in a wasteland of entertainment and with my new monetary restrictions because I am trying to save money, I cannot go out and actually do anything.  Not that there is anything to do here where I live if I had any money to spend. 
However, I can't complain because I am restricting my money voluntarily so that LePutois can have a very very happy birthday.  He's getting a 65 inch television, a PS3 and Final Fantasy XIII (that is 13 right?).  Just these three objects by themselves are worth 18 weeks of pay for me.  I could earn some interest in a bank account with that kind of money, but have decided that we want to spend it on a very very expensive television with accessories.  Happy Birthday LePutois.
Oh Yes and to Layla because I know that you will love it: YOU COMPLETE ME!
Bye Guys.