Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Table Ninja!

We tried a new restaurant today, that is, LePutois and I tried a new restaurant.  It was a pizza place that had a buffet, or you could order a pizza.  Anyway, it was at this restaurant that I encountered the table ninja!  When we went to the pizza place LePutois and I opted for the buffet.  Unfortunately, we forgot to bring something to mark our table as occupied so, when I went to get more salad and LePutois went to get more to drink: the table ninja struck.  As soon as LePutois turned around from the drink machine he said that there was a guy cleaning our table.  What I said was "did he take my drink?" LePutois said yes and that he had only turned away from the table for ten seconds.  I started laughing and said "he's a table ninja!" LePutois thought this was funny.  The icing on the cake was that I filled out a comment card.  We gave them good ratings and in the comments section I said "Other than the table ninja taking my drink, everything was great!"
This table ninja thing made me realize something about myself.  First, I am not a funny person in general, but sometimes I come up with stuff that makes them crack up. The real test of if something is funny is if LePutois laughs at it because he has almost no sense of humor.  I was proud because he laughed at the table ninja joke.  This hasn't happened since I came up with "ass and a half" 
Anyway, I thought I would just let you all in on that little tidbit about me.  Oh and when you go to a buffet place do not leave your table unguarded for too long. Laters.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


LePutois bought me the new Pokemon game for DS: SoulSilver. The game is just like the other games basically, but with this one you can treat your pokemon like a digipet and you can carry it with you in what they call the Pokewalker.  The pokewalker is a pedeometer.  On the Pokewalker you pick a path that you want to take and then you just walk, walk, and walk.  What do you gain by walking? Watts.  I am not sure what I will be able to do with watts other than use them to play the minigames on the pokewalker or unlock new paths to walk. 
The minigames on the pokewalker include one where you can battle wild pokemon.  You cannot run away from the wild pokemon, so you must stand and fight.  But the upside is that you can catch the pokemon and transfer it to your game on the DS.  Also, the fighting only offers one move and it is unnamed, but looks suspciously like tackle. Anyway, the battle is evenly matched so far as I know and each pokemon has four hit points (that is what I am going to call them but they are 4 little lines that disappear when you get hit) and whoever hits first basically wins.  I am unsure as of yet whether or not types have anything to do with the battle on the pokewalker.
The other minigame is one where you find items.  I do not like this game because I can never find the item..
So far, the pokemon does not really get experience, but they do gain a level when you transfer them back to the game.  However I may just need to walk more, but with two different walking sessions, I have still gained only one level each time.
I do like the game but probably because it is identical to the other games, but again, that is fine with me.  I think that they are just recreating the Gameboy games for the DS, which just means that because I lost my Gameboy a while back, that I can play pokemon again! Yay!
Alright guys, talk to you laters

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I know..I know, But I have been busy

So, I do not want to hear anything about me not posting for awhile because nobody reads this blog regulary except for Layla.  Anyway, I have been busy.As I have said in my last post, but I just started my first full time job this past month, so when I get home now I fall almost directly asleep.  Today is the first day I haven't felt completely exhausted after work. I have been trying to stay up until at least 10pm so that I will not wake up at 2 am and then be tired all day.  Also, I have started a class that's actually in a classroom at night 5:30pm to 7:45pm every wednesday, so I have been busy.
Anyway, I don't know if I have anything to rant or ramble about today.  My work is going well, but I don't think that the girls there like me yet.  I keep messing things up, but I think I am getting better at the processes at my bank. There are many crazy customers of course... and many more angry customers than I was expecting.  The rules should be pretty familiar.  I need ID to pull money from your account.  I need ID to cash a check.  And yes, some federal regulations do require me to collect your information for certain transactions.  So, shut up and follow the rules or you will not get any money from me.  I am not getting fired because you want to have a hissy fit.
OK, on to better topics.  Layla has finally moved into my house as my roommate.  She will have told you that we painted her room red.  We did and it is RED RED RED.  I think it looks a lot better with the new light bulbs she bought,(the old ones had a blue tint that made the paint look pinkish).  I do not think that I would want that color in my room, but I know that she is happy about the color because she smiles whenever she sees it.. Even when her mother was here she couldn't keep the smile off her face.  I think she likes it so far if only because she has the freedom to do what she wants when she wants. I am sure that she will say the same in her next blog. 
Other than Layla moving in,...we saw Alice in Wonderland.  An excellent movie, and I hope to see it several more times.  Johnny Depp is not sexy in this movie but the Hatter is my favorite character.  Anne Hathaway however, made me want to root for the Red Queen.  The Red Queen was far more interesting and better played. 
OK guys I have to go to bed sometime in the near future.  I promise to have something to actually rant about the next time I post.  Talk to you later.