Sunday, August 8, 2010


So, ever since we bought the television for LePutois, we have not had any monies to spend.  I likes to spends the monies I gets! Unfortunately, we have bills, and I have to build our savings up again so that we can have a nest egg just in case our main source of income shrivels up and blows away.  This will take many many weeks because we have a trip to see the family coming up soon, we have birthdays coming and Christmas...then more birthdays.  After this season, however, we will be able to start saving, which also means I will be able to start spending. 
For now, though, since I cannot spend any of my traditonally come by funds on myself...and because both layla and I are severely underpaid, we are having to think of some get rich quick schemes.  The problem here is that there is not legitimate way to get money fast.  Checks take forever to mail...and anybody who asks for your bank account number is not to be trusted!  Some of the ideas we have come up with are: sell plasma, sell eggs (NOT HAPPENING!), try to write a proposal and get an advance to write a book, sell anything we can spare from the house. As for selling things, I have had some small success selling a game I got on clearance.  I bought them for 5 dollars, and am selling them for 15.  That's good right?
Maybe money will fall from the sky...*waits and looks up*...Please?

I might be a sadist...hmm...

So hello again faithful know who you are...

I am writing to reveal a not-so-secret secret about myself.  I love to cause people pain...which may make me a sadist.  I don't mean physical pain, nor real emotional pain.  But I do love to pick and nip at the ones I love. Example: I love to make my friend Layla watch movies she hates.  Not only watch them once, but multiple times. I also like to say things I do not mean just to get a reaction, though I am not just looking for pain on these occasions.  LePutois is the one who gets the brunt of my torture because I love to interrupt his game to make him angry and I do this mostly by saying things about him until he notices (he has a weird ability to block everything out when he's playing a video game and when he snaps out of it, it is like seeing him wake up...very interesting and entertaining).  So, I may be a sadist because I cause pain to the ones I love, but they still love me, which makes me wonder if they are not masochists....