Thursday, January 28, 2010

A New Experiment

Hey guys,

I have thought of a new experiment.  As my close friends know, I have just recently had my first experience with alcoholic beverages this past New Year's.  I had decided that I wanted to try alcohol about a week before New Year's day but I have a fear of becoming an alcoholic, which runs in my family.  I also cannot stand the smell of alcohol and can detect it even though it is covered up with other smells, kinda like seafood.  Anyway, I had decided that at least trying alcohol would not have any adverse effects on me later in life.  So, I finally decided to drink on the eve of New Year's Eve.

I asked my fiance to help me find something that I could get past my nose and into my mouth.  He came up with Smirnoff Ice.  We bought some and I was having trouble crossing the threshold of my first drink until Jared finally got frustrated and yelled "Even Jesus Drank!" I couldn't help laughing hysterically, because I kinda knew I was being silly.  Anyway, what I want to say is that I haven't found any alcohol that I can enjoy drinking.  I tried the Smirnoff Ice regular, fruit punch, wild grape, and also Jack Daniels.   I drank enough finally thanks to shots of Jack Daniels to be drunk.  My fiance says that I am not a cheap drunk and I am sort of proud of that fact.

Anyway, back to my new experiment.  I am on a quest to find a tasty alcoholic beverage.  I frequent a few restaurants here in Alabama and every time I go to dinner at a restaurant, I am going to try a new alcoholic beverage to see which one I may make my favorite drink.  I know this sounds sort of like I am on the road to alcoholism, but I am just trying to find something that I can enjoy, because I get the impression that there are alcoholic beverages that don't tast like Nyquil, but to me, this is only a theory.  So, I just wanted to let you all know that I will be telling you about each new drink as I try them. 

That is all I have for today. Wish me good luck on finding a favorite beverage!

Monday, January 25, 2010

It is all Layla Lavae's Fault

Hello imaginary people who are reading this. I have been inspired! My friend has started a blog, and she is actually really good at it. (Check hers out at I thought I would give it a second try. A couple of years ago when I actually started this account with a different blog, I didn't think I was very good at writing. But when I came back and read my posts, I thought I did pretty well for a beginner. So, I have started my second blog and named it after what my friend calls me in her blog: Antoinette.

So let us catch up with my mini bio as my first post. My name is not really Antoinette, but I shall not reveal my real name. I am 22 years old and I am from Indiana. However, I was lured to Alabama by my fiance almost 4 years ago and I am still upset that I have to admit that I live here. Let me say this for Alabama: there are very smart people in Alabama, but they are grossly outnumbered by idiots; which is probably why Alabama has the reputation it does. I also haven't noticed much "southern hospitality." All I get are cold stares and rude remarks. That said, I have met some good people here; Layla is one, though she may be upset that I revealed that she lives here too.

I am a student at a university you've probably never heard of and I am in my fourth year as a Criminal Justice Major/ Business Administration Minor. I HATE college. In fact, this college has done nothing but lose my paperwork since I started attending, and I have to act like an ass to get them to do anything. Also, for any paperwork that you turn in there is a 30 day processing time. So, if they happen to lose the second page to your tax return 4 years in a row you have to wait for 30 days to find out. Also, by that time, the tuition is due and you don't have any financial aid to pay for it. Personally, I just don't pay them until they give me my money, but they always get me with the books.

I am engaged, as I have said, to a wonderful man whom I must love dearly or I would not be in Alabama. He really is a keeper because he encourages me to do what will make me happy no matter how often that changes. Then there is the fact that I remember every detail about what he does wrong and I will fling it back into his face when we argue. I have a talent for making people angry.

Most of my jobs have been in customer service, which has made me slightly bitter. I get very angry when people do stupid things. My fiance says that I expect too much out of people and to treat them like they do not know anything. There's one problem with that for me: I absolutely despise when people talk to me like I don't know anything so I can't bring myself to do it to other people. But, I learned how to clench my jaw and also make it look like I am still smiling. I still haven't lowered my expectations.